Grand Prairie, Texas
Last evening I really enjoyed having our annual Thanksgiving meal with our church family! Good fellowship and a lot of great food! Also, we played a “Thanksgiving Trivia” game and one of the questions asked was, “Which ‘Founding Father’ wanted our national bird to be the turkey?” Answer: Benjamin Franklin. Now that information will change your life! But, as I was laying in bed this morning, trying to wake up, I was also reflecting upon last night's church fellowship, and I began to think about that term “Founding Fathers.” I realized there was no acknowledgment of the role woman played in our nation’s founding. In fact, it is obvious that all of our “Founding Fathers” were all white, affluent men! Not at all representing our diverse nation today. Looking back with 20/20 hindsight, we all know our founding was not perfect because it involved flawed human beings. Nevertheless - Newsflash! They did build a very, very good foundation, which has allowed us to morph into a society that is inclusive of every segment of society, except the unborn child. So I do not understand why those who were not represented in the founding are trying so hard to destroy what the “Founding Fathers” accomplished!
In spite, of flawed beginnings the end result today is pretty good for everyone, or at least better than most other countries. Honestly, if there is a better place to live, we have an open door to leave. Sorry! I just don’t get it! The United States of America still affords more freedom, more economic opportunity, and sends more Christian missionaries out than any other nation! If not, why are so many people trying to come here?
My prayer is no longer “God Bless America” but now it is “God Save America” from herself! Psalm 33:12 says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance.