Not Serving - I Don't Get It!

Psalm 92: 14 says, “They will still yield fruit In old age, they shall be full of sap and very green.” So I do not understand why a Christian who retires from work, thinks he can retire from serving the Lord! Why would a healthy, mobile, on the go follower of Christ pull back in their service to the Lord and His church? In fact, they now have more time to give to the Lord and His church! I do not know where this thinking comes from, but it certainly does not come from the scripture. Furthermore, I believe as long as we are on this Earth it tells us God is not through with us, because when He is done with us, He will call us home. 

Recently, I went on a personal sabbatical.  God emphatically convicted me that I need to finish the race strong and not slow down or back off in my service to my Lord, because I want Him to say,  “…I fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith!”   And we should all want to hear Him say,  “…well done thou good and faithful servant.”   

We will all answer to God for our Christian life.   I can only answer for me, but I hope you will consider these thoughts for yourself because I don’t get it!!!!