Grand Prairie, Texas
Like others, I spent part of MLK day watching a documentary showing the life of Dr. Martin Luther King. Certainly, on this side of history, we all know that he stood for right, and I greatly admire him for choosing the tactic of non violence! As Christians, we know racism is unbiblical and wrong. Yet there is one thing I noticed, and that is in every clip of every march, white people were present in the crowds, and not as protesters.
That leads me to conclude that all white people were not bad, even back then. Most assuredly today, anyone who follows the scripture knows racism is wrong. ACTS 17: 26 SAYS, “… And He made from ONE, every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the Earth, having determined their appointed times, and the boundaries of their habitation…” So all people come from the same root, (Adam), regardless of their skin color. Therefore, we should make our assessment of other people based on truth and not skin color!
Really, there are only two categories of people in the world: saved sinners and lost sinners! For sure there are Godly black people and evil black people, but there are Godly white people and evil white people. If we ALL seek the Kingdom of God, and not a racial or political agenda, WE CAN ACHIEVE RACIAL RECONCILIATION! After all, we are going to spend a long time together in heaven!.