Sermon Archives - 2025


Trusting God vs Trusting Money


IRev Bruce White brought out message today. 

Pastor Randy preached at Good Shepherd Baptist Church for their 16th anniversary celebration. 

Give Around-Comes Around


 Philippians 4: 14-19


Jesus has a much different view of economics from the world! If you told a ""worldling" that he could give his money away and was guaranteed to get it all back- he would laugh in your face! Let's see what the scriptures say.


Build Back Better



Ephesians 2:19-22


Our text this morning is talking about the church of Jesus Christ! The Bible uses different images to describe the church, like "athletic" images or "army" images, but today he uses a "architectural" image to describe the church. Namely, He compares His church to a building, or more specifically a temple. Join me as we dig a little deeper.


New Day - New Way


Ecclesiastes 5:1-5


We find New Year resolutions to be a joke most of the time! Yet, being on the cusp of a new year is a good time to renew some serious vows to our Lord! However, we should note that it is better to not make a vow to God if we really do not intend to keep it! Let's all grow in Jesus this year.