Sermon Archives - 2024


He is Here!


I Luke 2: 10-11


Many people are very creative when they make a "birth announcement" about their coming child! Some are rather humorous, and some are humorous with a point to be made, but the greatest "birth announcement" ever made will be found in our passage this morning!



 I Timothy 1: 12-17


During this time of year our thoughts go to the WHO of Christmas, as they should, but today I want to talk about the WHY of Christmas! WHY did the Son of God enter this world in a manger 2,000 years ago? Well, Jesus answered this question Himself when He said, "I came to seek and to save the lost." Today, we will focus on how the Lord did this in the Apostle Paul's life as we study his personal testimony,

How Do You Deal with Stress?



Guest speaker - 

Bruce White


Our Bottom Line


Matthew 28:16-20


Most businessmen are probably "bottom line" thinkers! Meaning that after all things are considered and the dust settles, he (she) is interested mainly in the bottom line! Why? Because that is the primary purpose for his (her) business to exist. So, my question is, what is our churches "bottom line?" What is our purpose for being here? We will be reminded of our purpose as we read our main text today!



Bitter or Better


I Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Wow! What a week! Early in the morning last Monday, a very strong wind ripped part of our roof off and allowed a significant amount of water to flood our student and children's areas. We are facing a $90 K deductible which we do not have. Nevertheless, we will be giving thanks this week in spite of our circumstances because the Bible tells us - "... this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.".  

Open Door Policy? 


 Luke 14: 12-14

The Lord Jesus had been invited to a Sabbath day party at a prominent Pharisee's house. The Lord rebuked the host for only inviting people who could give him something in return. Our church doors must be open to the "nobodys, who have nothing." When we do the right thing with the right motive we will receive our rewards in the future on judgment day.

What Now? 


Judges 3: 7-12


Soon after the election I thought, "What now?" I believe we have been given a reprieve, but the question now is, "What will we do with it?" Because if there is not a fundamental change in the hearts of the people, then we will be back in the same place in four years. This election has slowed down the descent of our nation, but we trust not in any man or party, rather we put our trust in the Lord!  The only hope for America is Jesus! We need a Holy Spirit revival to sweep across this land! Pray it so!


Shake & Shine


Matthew 5:13-16


Today's message is about the elephant in the room! We have an election coming up and I want to explain from the scriptures why Christians should be salt and light while we are in this world!


Our Only Firm Foundation


 Genesis 2: 18-25


The idea of marriage originated with God. He is the only one who can define what it should look like! This is an important topic today because society's views on love, sex, marriage and family are changing.  God's standard has not changed, nor will it ever change. Today's message looks to the scriptures to define our family values.

The Sin of Disgrace


Proverbs 14:34 


The greatest stain on the soul of America is the unmitigated murder of the unborn child in their mother's womb! God is the "giver and taker of life," and He has reserved for Himself when each person's appointed time will occur.  What we will talk about today is not a political issue to me, but a spiritual one. Come! Let us reason around God's Word together.


Abraham Discords


 Genesis 12:1-3


The "Abraham Accords" is a document signed by Israel and some Arab states which hoped to normalize relationships. The name Abraham was used because he is important to both Jew and Arab, because Abraham fathered Ishmael (Arabs descended from him) and Isacc (the Jews descended from him). The discord over the land in the mid-east is a sibling rivalry on steroids. Hence, in light of current events we Bible-believing Christ-followers must come down on the side of Israel.  

Nothing But the Blood


 Exodus 12: 23-27


On the evening before our Savior was crucified, He shared a Passover meal with HIs disciples. It was at this time that He instituted what we call the Lord's Supper!  We pray our consideration of the meaning of Passover will make our observance of the Lord's Supper today more meaningful!


Made to Marvel


Colossians 1:15-17  


Our recent trip to California to Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks reminded me of the answer to one of man's foundational questions in life namely-where did we come from?Today we will consider how the Bible answers this question.

Four Letter Words


Proverbs 6:6-11



God Is Able


 Hebrews 11:17-19


As we know, Hebrews Chapter 11 is known as the "Hall of Faith." In it we see a whole line of Old Testament people who exemplified what it means to walk by faith. But there is one who stands above all the rest, and that is Abraham, who is known as the "Father of Faith." Today's message is about the greatest "test" of his faith out of many he faced.

Pathway to Peace


John 14: 1-6


Putting our main text into context today reveals that Jesus and His disciples were sitting around the Passover table on the Thursday evening before the Lord's crucifixion.  He told them, "One of you is going to betray me; one of you is going to deny me; and I am going to leave, and you will not be able to go with me." Wow! No wonder their hearts were troubled!  Jesus offers them these words of encouragement as we read John 14:1-6. 


Fresh Off the Vine


John 15:4-5


I love tomatoes! I eat one every day, and I like all varieties, but my favorite might be "ripened on the vine" tomatoes. They cost a little more, which may be a rip off, because the improved taste may just be in my head. Let's assume "vine ripened" fruit (tomatoes are a fruit because they have seeds) are better, which leads me to another kind of fruit. We are talking today about Spiritual fruit and the kind of fruit every Christian should have in their lives. It too ripens on the vine. Let's read about it.

The Real Deal


John 2:23-25


The passage we will read today is a bridge between the cleansing of the temple and the story of Nicodemus. It is very significant because it highlights the difference between a "superficial" faith and a true "saving" faith. In light of the Lord's very possible soon return to Earth for His bride, this is something that must be understood and made sure of, because eternity is too long to be wrong on this one!

Fireproofing Our Church


 Numbers 11: 1-10


Today we see a lot of discontented spirits in people, made known through a lot of griping and complaining!  Discontentment in our heart comes out of our mouths, because the heart is where our words originate. We don't need to clean up our mouths, but we must allow God to clean up our hearts.  If we don't, then we learn from God's people in the book of Numbers that this does not please God.  In fact, it makes Him angry, and he may send us a little disciplinary fireball of judgment our way. None of us will want that to happen.

Be Kind-ReWind


Luke 10: 25-37


Some of you will remember the Blockbuster Video Stores and how irritating it was to rent a movie and have to stop and rewind it to the beginning because the previous renter did not rewind before they returned the tape. So, Blockbuster started printing a slogan which read: "BE KIND-REWIND." As for us today, there is not a lot of kindness being displayed, but since "kindness" is a fruit of the Spirit, it should be true of a Christ follower! Today we will look at a great example of this kind of kindness.




 I Samuel 7: 1-4


Our nation was built upon a Biblical foundation, but I think we would all agree that we have drifted away from our Biblical moorings. Our country is not in a good place today and seems to keep heading in the wrong direction. So, if Jesus is not coming back soon, we need a Holy Spirit led revival in the land. However, God will not touch the white house, or the state house, or the schoolhouse, until He touches the church house. If this revival is going to come, it must start with us- the church of Jesus Christ!

My Story


Romans 10:9-10


Earlier this week I thought the Lord was leading me in a certain direction for today's message.  However, during a time in our "Power House," I sensed the Lord was changing the message.  I feel like I am to share my full testimony this morning, followed by a clear presentation of the Gospel. Who is this for? The Holy Spirit will know, and I am anxious to see who it is. Is it you?  

My Dad's a "Moonshiner"


 Psalm 127: 1-5


We often hear about "moonlight" and "moonshiners" but we all know the moon does not produce its own light. The moon simply REFLECTS the sun's light. Likewise, if we Earthly fathers are going to love our children the way we should, we must simply REFLECT the Son's love. Pray it so...


Green With Envy


Genesis 37:1-11


In the news recently we have witnessed how Caitlin Clark has been "welcomed" to the WNBA! There have been hard body checks, flying elbows, and she has been called bad names on the court for all to see. As I watched all of this, I asked myself, "Why all the hate?" Then Stephen A. Smith, the sports guru gave me the answer: "Thes girls- young ladies of the WNBA are JEALOUS of her."  Today we want to talk about the spirit of jealously from the scriptures.



Shame No More


Genesis 3:1-7


Associate Pastor Brian Hayes brings our message today. 





We Will Remember


John 15: 9-13

On this day we hear of many amazing stories of our brave military people making, what we like to call, the ultimate sacrifice!  We are VERY thankful for these Gold Star families, and we want to remember them today, because we live under the freedom they have provided. Yet, we also want to remember THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE" made by our Savior on the cross for forgiveness of our sins. Let's turn our eyes upon Jesus!

Taming the Tempter


James 1:13-15


Today's message will apply to each of us, because we all will face some type of temptation this week. Like Adam and Eve, we will be faced with choices- will we choose God's way or our way? We will talk about our most effective weapon in this fight, and we will see it lived out in our Savior's life, and we will talk about how to implement the "Tame the Tempter" plan.

Making Little Kings


2 Timothy 1:3-6


There is a term used in politics which describes a person as the "kingmaker." This is the person behind the scenes who uses their influence to make the king the king! I start with this on Mother's Day because I believe the most important "kingmaker" or influencer of our children are you godly Moms and Grandmas. You are appreciated and may you have a blessed day.


Your Fork in the Road


Matthew 7:13-14


Robert Frost wrote an iconic poem, whereby the speaker was standing at a fork in the road and was pondering which way to go. This poem is not written from a Biblical point of view, but it reminds that our lives are full of choices, and the exhortation to us is, always choose God's way over our own way!


Sounding the Alarm


 Revelation 3:1-6


We are accustomed to hearing alarms every day, and each one is designed to get our attention. Well, the Lord is sounding the alarm to the church at Sardis, because they are spiritually "sleepwalking.""  The message is-  "WAKE UP! WAKE UP CHURCH. because if you don't the Lord is coming to judge you. The church in America needs to hear this message because by and large we are "sleepwalking." WAKE UP CHURCH!"



Grace over Judgement


John 8:1-11


Today we are blessed to have Monica Gonzalez, from Pregnancy Resource Center of Grand Prairie, share with us their great ministry here in our city! Our support of this ministry speaks to our churches' staunch prolife position, but it also speaks to our equal compassionate toward young women who find themselves in trouble. We like their slogan: "GRACE OVER JUDGMENT", so the message today will center on a story that exemplifies our Lord's amazing grace toward all of us struggling sinners.  

Render to Caesar with Caution


I Peter 1:6-9


Jesus told His followers to "...render to Caesar the things that are Caesars." We must pay our taxes, but we should expect our government to receive and disperse our tax dollars honestly and fairly. Yet, in 2013 the IRS ADMITTED they targeted conservative groups, churches and ministry organizations and intentionally slow walked their applications for tax exempt status for months and even years. Some may consider this a mild form of persecution to the church in America, but I believe it is a harbinger of the persecution that is about to be unleashed on the church in America! However, the faithful remnant will cling together, and Jesus will be watching over us and we will not only survive but thrive!!!


A Defense Of The Resurrection


Jay Strickland


1 Corinthians 15:3-11



Believe It or Not!  


Luke 2:1-9


As we all know, many people are gathering all over the world on this Resurrection Sunday, not to hear a new, fresh account, but rather to hear an old familiar story one more time! So, today it is my privilege to share this old, old story again, which never gets old to me.


Brutus and Judas


 Luke 22: 1-6


On March 15th, in the year 44 B.C., Julius Caesar spoke to the Senate, although his wife and a soothsayer warned him not to. Soon after taking his seat, he was encircled by a group of assassins who pulled out knives from under their togas and stabbed him 23 times. One of the leaders of the assassins was a friend of Caesar's named Marcus Brutus, which prompted Caesar to say with his dying breath, "You too Brutus?" So, Brutus went down in history as someone who betrayed a friend and stabbed him in the back. Today's message is about another friend who betrayed a friend. Let's see what we can learn from his story.


God or Gold?


Luke 12:13-21


The story of King Midas is sad but ends well. As King, he had all the luxuries you would expect a King to have, but he wanted more! So, when he was granted a wish, he wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. Sounds good? Right? Until he hugged his beloved daughter, and she turned into a gold statue. We should learn to be careful about what we wish for, because that "gold" we seek can turn into "fool's gold." We will study such a man this morning.

Vale of Tears


Isaiah 41:10


The expression "vale of tears" is a reference to our life on Earth being akin to a traveler walking through a valley, and the point is, there will be tears and sorrow in our life until we reach the end of the valley, and transition to a better place called heaven, where there will be no more tears. God uses these times of tribulation to sculpt us into the image of Christ.  


First Degree Love


 Mark 15: 33-34


Robin Williams was an outrageously funny comedian, but while he was making everyone else laugh, he was suffering from severe depression and anxiety. At the age of 63, he took his own life. One person described Mr. Williams as "..the loneliest man on a lonely planet"! Loneliness is one of the most miserable emotions anyone can experience. But today I want us to think about the loneliest moment, that anybody, at any time has ever experienced. The moment the Son of God became sin for us, and God the Father had to temporarily turn His back on God the Son. Let us contemplate what our Savior went through on the cross.


So Who's in Control? 




At the turn of the 20th century, a man named William Ernest Henly wrote a poem entitled "Invictus" and the last two lines read like this: "i am the master of my fate; the captain of my soul."  I could not think that, much less say it and I sure wouldn't put in in writing, because I know if I am steering the USS Randy, I would be careening off ice burgs and mines, and being shipwrecked on the rocks. So, we must trust the sovereign King of the universe to pilot our ship.



Two Minute Warning


Ezekiel 3:16-21


During the Super Bowl last week, we saw the Chiefs drive down and kick a game tying field goal with 3 seconds to go in the game to send into overtime. You could sense a heightened urgency form the Chiefs after the two-minute warning, which is not unusual in a football game. Teams know after the two-minute warning that time is short, it's "do or die", the season on the line- let's go!! What's the point? Well, God has metaphorically stopped His prophetic clock, as a two-minute warning   so we can have time to "get right and get ready." 

Seen or Viewed?


Philippians 1:21-26


We recently attended the services of Good Shepherd Baptist Church to celebrate their 15th anniversary along with Pastor Will. As I went around to greet the people, I said, "It's good to see you." The first three responded with, "It's good to be seen." But, the fourth person responded, "It's better to be seen than viewed," which I took to mean it is better to be alive than dead. I am not sure the Apostle Paul would necessarily agree with that point of view. Allow me to explain why I say that.


Are You Ready for Change? 


2 Corinthians 5:17


Most of the time people do not like change. In fact, we usually resist change. But the life of a growing, maturing follower of Jesus Christ should be a continuous series of changes. Radical changes! So, if anyone is ready for change in your life, let me introduce you to the greatest "change agent" we can turn to today!


Aren't You Precious 


Psalms 139:13-18


Brian Hayes,

Worship Pastor


Gifts That Give


John 14:1-3


Perhaps you have heard the expression, "Hell Bent," which describes a person determined to do something at all costs.  For example, John was "hell bent" on finishing the race in spite of his sprained ankle.  I would rather be "Heaven bent."  We believers are going to be there much longer than we will be on Earth, so I think we would be interested in knowing about our final abode. Our next few Sundays we will be talking about Heaven and our place there.




The Heart of Worship


Mark 14:3-9


Christians differ in their opinion about "how" we should worship God, and some get bent out of shape with those who differ. Hymns? Praise songs? A blend of the two?  People get caught up with the details and mechanics of worship and lose sight of the true focus of worship - that is completely about Jesus! Only Him! He is the only one who is worthy of our worship. Today's message looks at a great example of a lady who knew how to make Jesus the focal point of her worship. What she did is so noteworthy, Jesus wanted her to be remembered wherever the gospel is preached. 


Knees to the Floor In 2024


Matthew 6: 5-8


As we say goodbye to 2023 and look forward to 2024, I want to share a "key" to having a better year in 2024. I know we all are crazy busy these days, and some may say you are too busy to pray.  Actually we are too busy not to pray. We all have the same 168 hours per week, and the fact is, if we are passionate about something, we will find the time. Because we were put on this Earth to have a personal relationship with our Creator, spending significant time in His presence in prayer every day is the most important thing we can do each day. Everything else should pale by comparison. So, let us be challenged today to commit to "putting knees on the floor in '24!"

The Real Deal


Colossians 2:8-10


Several years ago, there was a big stir in the church over a book and movie entitled "The Da Vinci Code," after the author went on the morning shows to boldly claim that his book was historically accurate. Then he went on to portray that Jesus married Mary Magdelene and even fathered a child! There is a word for that- BLASPHEMY! Today, we want to show from scripture what the real Christ is like.

Gifts That Give


Galatians 4:4-6


The idea of gift giving at Christmas time probably can be tied back to the three wise men bringing gifts to baby Jesus. Yet, we all know that Christmas has become way too commercialized and now has been distorted beyond recognition. Today's message is about gifts that will have everlasting value and significance. In fact, we can say these particular gifts are gifts that keep on giving!